Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cat's Whisker

I was having dinner with Zahir at my house that night and something in the tv caught our attention. One of the research doctor have discovered a massive findings about a cure to cancer. He says that Misai Kucing, a popular herbs among asian literally means Cat's Whisker can be used to cure cancer. i dig up some information in the net and a lot more research have been done actually "Cat's Whisker" have a high amount of antioxidant which is also found in coffee, claimed by Maya Karin. However the amount of antioxidant in "Cat's Whisker" is enough to cause retardation of new blood vessels formation. Cancer cells are just like any other cells in the body. It needs nutrient and oxygen to live which is supplied by the blood. Thus the logic is, when we take a substance that can retard new vessels formation, it will cut off the supply to the cancer cell causing death to the cells. However their research currently only done on animals and they are looking forward to run a trial on human by the end of next year. They also haven't found any side effect and further research should be done to determine this. We pray hard that this discovery will be very much helpful to all cancer patients in the future and it is safe to be used.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

First Raya in KL

First Raya in KL.. it has never come to my mind that me and family celebrates Hari Raya in KL. it certainly bring the family closer.. all the neighbors went back to their hometown leaving us the only family in this area. In other words, this place is ours...

We bring down the plasma tv downstair and everybody hang out in the living hall watching the takbir together. The phone is never silent as people kept on calling to wish us Hari Raya. It is certainly very very different from our Raya before.

Being with the family is great. This is the only time we share and we do things together. Everybody share jokes and tease each other. Even the Cats don't want to miss the moment. I wish we could have this everyday but i know as soon as people starts working, the student go back to school, the environment will be back to how it used to be. Never mind about that. I guess things aren't always happened like we wanted. We either need to adapt, move on or improvise.

Anyway. This moment i shall cherish to the limit. Tomorrow Hari Raya. I just can't wait to help my dad with his Songket. He used to do it for me when I was a kid. Now it's my turn to return the favour. :)

Gosh.. Time pass by really fast. Alhamdullilah. I have been blessed with a lot of values from the life events happening in the last two months. Till then, Hopefully life would not be so hard on me. If it does, let it be worth it. Let me learn the values that are not taught in the book. So i will become a better person from day to day. Insyaallah..