Thursday, August 18, 2011


    Salam Blog,

Over the fortnight i have not been active blogging. Alhamdulillah i am going into the last third of Ramadhan and this year i am determine to spend d last 10 nights worshiping Allah to the max i can. In the previous post, i have said that i felt like this Ramadhan was going to be a special one for me. Indeed it is, Few days ago, i was plague with persistent headache that i have never felt before. it started after i become lazier to go to the mosque for Terawih prayer. The throbbing headache was so severe that it affected my mood and daily activities, including reciting Al-Quran. I was so disturb by it. It makes me even harder to perform Terawih during the mid of Ramadhan.

My suffering reaches the max towards the final thrid of the month, I became numb, unable to enjoy leisure and what i like to do. i was driving at night during mid ramadhan half asleep, trying to withstand the headache and i got my allergic attack that night which just kill me off. That time i had no one to turn into except ALLAH.. i pray to him to stop my suffering and give me the answer of why i am being tested like that. I coudnt take it much longer, i drove as fast to go home and jump into bed. i woke up at 5 and realise i havent perform isya'. so i did, and go for sahur. by that time, my headache was a bit less painful. i took a nap after my sahur and This is it.. my question was answered.

In this dream, full of my friends, we were all having fun, doing a lot of forbidden things. We were in our own world. we forgot our creator, we never pleased him. Towards the end, i was about to commit a big sin and while i was half way, then i realise, and i told myself. i don't want this. this is Ramadhan, i cant do this. Suddenly 3 of my friends smile and look at me and remind me that i have not perform taubat and seek HIS forgiveness for the sins that i have committed. Immediately i woke up looking at the clock and i was in disgrace because i am not pleasing HIM.

From this dream, i learn that i need to seek Allah forgiveness.. Subhanallah, He choses the best way to remind me. I now know why i am being tested more that usual during this ramadhan. I intend to perform taubah until the end of Ramadhan.. and try to please Allah and seek guidance and hopefully i catch lailatul qadar insyaallah..

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Selamat Berpuasa

    Salam Blog,

    Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan is here again, this is our chance to really get a lot of rewards from Allah by doing good deeds and pray to him more during this month. I cant help it but i have to say that this ramadhan is different from previous one for me, it feel special, i feel at peace and happy just to think about it. I hope this feel last till the end of ramadhan and because i am on holiday, i will use most of my time to worship HIM.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Chelsea Vs Malaysia, vented Afizy

   Today i am going to attend Chelsea game.. see how they play against Malaysia. not really attending the game, i am just working part time with the game. Yesterday i vented m problem to my girl, i feel a lighter and glad that i have someone to share my difficulties. Syukur to Allah for giving me the best partner of all time and i pray to you to ease our journey to become husband and wife.I also pray to You, to ease my family troubles so that my mother will have more peace in her heart and my brothers and sisters so we can be in great bond for all the time.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Football Frenzy!

   Dear Blog,
I had a great time watching Arsenal. met some new friends and lost my voice due to scream so much during the game. It was worth to watch, they played so well, all the player that we see in the TV are right in front of our eyes. It was an experience never to be forgotten. One thing that i now agree with other people is that football do BRING PEOPLE together. In this stadium i see all sorts of people with common ground, we all suddenly become friends although we never met each other before. I sat next to an Australian guy name Rob and we quickly be friends. It was such a great time..

I also work for Liverpool game at the gate. i can see all sorts of people. i met a couple of my school friends and even my extended family members. They said on the game day, Saturday, the crowd will be massive so it is a great challenge to work on that day. I dont mind.. lets see all the liverpool supporters coming in..! having a great time being busy!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Arsenal Coming to KL!!

     Yeah.. today am going to watch Arsenal vs Msia.. i will wear Arsenal yellow away shirt which is also the color of Msia jersey.. im proud of my country. Yesterday i went to watch the training session, it was great. Football really bring people together, i have made a few friends just by attending that session. The best thing is they throw ARSENAL JERSEY to the crowd!! but i didnt get one because i am at the second floor..

    Anyway, Just a few hours before the game today, i will go early to get the best seat and i will scream out loud!!! its going to be fun!!! Arsenal Pic

Friday, July 8, 2011

Best thing i gain from my medical school

Salam n Good Day,

     It has been a month since i graduated from my medical school, am currently spending my holidays enjoying with friends, trying new things ensuring my holidays are fill with great moments. Thou it feels great that i have finished my school, it feels empty when i remember the good times i had during 5 years. Sleeping during classes, Skipping classes, young mercy, Disaster & Relief Medicine, Hospital Terendak, those are the things that really leave something on me. Those are the reason why my batch is so close with each other, every single one of them. 

    I am proud of my friends, They are the best thing that happen to me so far, i hope this togetherness will bring us far beyond what we think we can do. I look forward to achieve great things with all them. I miss all of you.

     Dr Zy...

Im Starting Back..

Dear Blog,
     i am starting to write again. I need to point out my feelings and opinions. it is such a waste to keep my feelings to myself. So i am back, writing about what i feel, my views and lessons i learn so that i can share those to whoever read this blog. i hope it will be a great benefit to all..

         Dr Zy...