Friday, July 8, 2011

Best thing i gain from my medical school

Salam n Good Day,

     It has been a month since i graduated from my medical school, am currently spending my holidays enjoying with friends, trying new things ensuring my holidays are fill with great moments. Thou it feels great that i have finished my school, it feels empty when i remember the good times i had during 5 years. Sleeping during classes, Skipping classes, young mercy, Disaster & Relief Medicine, Hospital Terendak, those are the things that really leave something on me. Those are the reason why my batch is so close with each other, every single one of them. 

    I am proud of my friends, They are the best thing that happen to me so far, i hope this togetherness will bring us far beyond what we think we can do. I look forward to achieve great things with all them. I miss all of you.

     Dr Zy...

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